Our Patient testimonials..
"I want to Thank you all most sincerely for your encouragement to work hard at your expertly crafted physio program which helped me exceed my expectations in some ways and to motivate me to move onto more challenging tasks in other ways. My husband and I are both thrilled that I have had no falls in almost eight months after averaging 4 -5 a month previously. Words really cant fully express how much this means to me." JB Sep 2012.
“From my first visit to the clinic to now,I have much mobility and range in my shoulder. I have much less pain.Most importantly,i have knowledge and better understanding of my condition now and how to avoid injury, i have been thought the proper way to exercise and take care of my shoulder movements. I am very happy with my results.” M.N Mar.2010
“Thanks to Instep physiotherapy, I can do all the exercises I have wanted to do that used to hurt me a lot and cause pain. Pilates, yoga, long walks, full range of body movement”. A.R Mar 2010
“Before coming to instep i was not able to do any tasks such as long walks, lifting heavy weight etc. After taking treatment in Instep physiotherapy, I am walking very fast, I am able to lift heavy weights, and above all am feeling way much better”. B.V Mar 2010
“When i arrived to Instep I was having back pain that was limiting my ability to sleep and sit for long periods of time. From my initial treatment I was able to see results!!, specifically pain reduction, and this just continued to improve after each visit. Now, after my last visit, I feel better educated as to how to take care well, the upper body strength, etc. I have also been able to continue with normal physical activities. Thanks again instep physiotherapy team.” A.S. Mar 2010
“Today was my last visit in instep and I am very happy to say that I’m much more comfortable now. No more pain in my shoulder or neck. I’m being thoroughly explained regarding my problems and will continue to follow the advice of Giri and exercises he’s provided for me.” V.H Mar 2010
“I thoroughly enjoyed the heat and massage on my back and neck. I feel I am stronger and walking better. I shall endeavour to continue my exercising and walking. Thank you very much Karen, I’ll come back again if I need more treatment and advises. Thank Instep so much for making my life easy and better.”B.C. Mar 2010
“After treatment, I feel better. I can freely move/turn my neck without pain, recurring headache isn’t as intense and not often feeling dizziness and nauseous. I can now bend and touch my feet and starting to gradually get back to normal life. It keeps getting better each day!”A.S Feb 2010
“After a total hip replacement I came in. Was on crutches and could hardly move my leg. After coming into In step physiotherapy and doing exercises i can move more freely and walk a great length, without my cane”. A.P-Oct 2008